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Mainstream Voucher Program

In September 2018, HUD announced that $98.5 million in Mainstream Vouchers were awarded to 285 public housing authorities (PHAs).  The Falmouth Housing Authority was the recipient of 19 vouchers, with a value of $210k in housing subsidies.  The vouchers will be used to house 19 non-elderly persons with disabilities.  Non-elderly means that the head of household is between the ages of 18-61.  HUD Secretary, Ben Carson, stated that "HUD is committed to making sure that people with disabilities have a decent, safe and affordable place to call home."  HUD also notes that Mainstream Vouchers help persons with disabilities live in the most integrated settings, while encouraging partnerships with "health and human service agencies with a demonstrated capacity to coordinate voluntary services and supports to enable individuals to live independently in the community." (Source:  September 15, 2018 - NAHRO MONITOR, ).

Mainstream Voucher Program Applications

Beginning Monday, 9/24/18 at 9:00 a.m., applications will be accepted on a continual basis for this program.

Note:  As published in the Falmouth Enterprise on October 19, 2018, the Mainstream Voucher program STOPPED accepting applications on November 19, 2018 at 4:30 p.m.  

Review Eligibility Requirements for this program here:  2017 Mainstream Eligibility Requirements  (Review: Chapter 3: Eligibility Information - A. Eligible Applicants, pages 6-9)

About the Waiting List, Preferences and Selection 

To understand the eligibility requirements for the Section 8/ Housing Choice Program, which applies to the Mainstream Voucher Program, please review:  Chapter 3:    Eligibility


The Mainstream Voucher Program also has additional eligibility requirements. 

Please review: 2017 Mainstream Eligibility Requirements 

(Review: Chapter 3: Eligibility Information - A. Eligible Applicants, pages 6-9)

Per the Falmouth Housing Authority Section 8 Administrative Plan, please note the following selected areas:

4.1  Opening and Closing the Waiting List

Opening of the waiting list will be announced via public notice that applications for Section 8 will again be accepted.  The notice will state where, when and how to apply.  The notice will be published in a local paper of general circulation.  The public notice will state any limitations to who may apply. 

Review the Public Notice , published in the Falmouth Enterprise, on 9/14/18

4.2  Taking Applications

Families wishing to apply for the Section 8 Program will be required to complete an application for housing assistance.  Applications will be accepted during regular business hours at 115 Scranton Avenue, Falmouth, MA  02540.  

Applications are taken to compile a waiting list.  Due to the demand for Section 8 assistance in the Falmouth Housing Authority jurisdiction, the Falmouth Housing Authority may take applications on an open enrollment basis, depending on the length of the waiting list.  

When the waiting list is open, completed applications will be accepted from all applicants.  The Falmouth Housing Authority will later verify the information in the applications relevant to the applicant's eligibility, admission, and level of benefit.

Applications may be made in person at the Falmouth Housing Authority on Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except Wednesday when the office closes at noon.  Applications will be mailed to interested families upon request.  

4.3  Organization of the Waiting List

The waiting list will be maintained in accordance with the following guidelines:

A.  The application will be a permanent file; 

B.  All applications will be maintained in order of preference and then in order of preference points and lottery number;*

C.  Any significant contact between the Falmouth Housing Authority and the applicant will be documented in the applicant file.

All files (applicant or participant) shall be retained for three years from the date the file is closed, whether this is due to the surrender of a housing choice voucher or the removal of a person from the waiting list, whichever is later.

Note:  The waiting list cannot be maintained by bedroom size under current HUD regulations.

4.4  Families Nearing the Top of the Waiting List

When a family nears the top of the waiting list, the family will be invited to an interview and the verification process will begin.  It is at this point in time that a family's waiting list preference will be verified.  Annual income must be verified within 60 calendar days of the issuance of a housing choice voucher.  If the family no longer qualifies to be near the top of the list, the family's name will be returned to the appropriate spot on the waiting list.  The Falmouth Housing Authority must notify the family in writing of this determination and give the family the opportunity for an informal review.  

Once the preference has been verified the family will complete a full application, present social security number information, citizenship/eligible immigrant information, and sign the Consent for Release of Information forms.  

5.2  Preferences

Consistent with the Falmouth Housing Authority Agency Plan, the Falmouth Housing Authority will select families based on the following preferences based on local housing needs and priorities.  They are consistent with the Falmouth Housing Authority's Agency Plan and the Consolidated Plan that covers our jurisdiction.


The Mainstream Voucher Program has an additional preference as follows:

Non-elderly person (18-61 years of age) with disabilities and is transitioning out of an institutional and/or other segregated settings, at serious risk of institutionalization, homeless, at risk of becoming homeless (for reasons beyond Title 42, Chapter 110, Sub chapter I, of the United States Code).


Standard preferences, per the Falmouth Housing Authority Section 8 Administrative Plan:

A.  The applicant has been involuntarily displaced and is not living in standard permanent housing, or:

      1.  The applicant has vacated his or her unit as a result of actual physical or mental abuse directed against applicant or one or   

            more members of the applicant's family by a spouse or other member of the applicant household.  Appropriate proof of this

            situation must be provided.  The abuser cannot live in the unit without a specific finding by the Housing Authority that

            appropriate treatment has been received by the abuser. 

      2.  Displacement to avoid reprisals if family members provided information on criminal activities to a law enforcement agency

           and the law enforcement agency recommends re-housing the family to avoid risk of violence against family members.

      3.  Displacement by hate crimes if one or more members of the applicant's family have been the victim of hate crimes, and the

           applicant has vacated a housing unit because of such crimes or the fear associated with such crimes.

      4.  Displacement by the inaccessibility of a unit because a member of the family has a mobility or other impairment that makes

           the person unable to use the critical elements of the unit, and the owner is not legally obligated to make changes to the unit

           what would make critical elements accessible to the disabled persona as a reasonable accommodation.  

      5.  Displacement because of HUD disposition of multi-family projects.

      6.  Homeless according to the Federal Definition of Homelessness (Title 42, Chapter 119, Sub chapter I, of the United States Code).

B.  The applicant is living in substandard housing (a homeless family is considered to be living in substandard housing).


C.  The applicant is paying more than 50% of gross monthly income for rent and utilities for at least 90 days. 


D.   People who live or work in the Town of Falmouth.  Work is defined as working for at least 15 hours a week for the past 6


E.  People who live or work in the remainder of Barnstable County, Dukes or Nantucket Counties.  Work is defined as working for at

      least 15 hours a week for the past 6 months.  

F.  A veteran of the US Armed Forces with an honorable discharge or his or her surviving spouse.

G.  Participants in the DIAL Program who are no longer eligible.

Based on the above preferences, each of these preferences shall be worth one point each on  a preference score except those applicants living or working in the Town of Falmouth shall get five points and participants in the DIAL Program who are no longer eligible shall get three points for that preference.  Families with the greatest number of preference points shall be housed before families with a lesser number of points.  

*The date and time of application will be noted and either it or a lottery will be utilized to determine the sequence within the above-prescribed preferences.


5.3  Selection from the Waiting List*

The date and time of application will be noted and either it or a lottery will be utilized to determine the sequence within the above-prescribed preferences.

© 2017-2026 Falmouth Housing Authority

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